
Apparently, I have just been born. That would explain the whole trauma that I just went through. Since I'm stuck here for the foreseeable future, I will try to enlighten you on all my discoveries of this strange world as seek to learn the meaning of life or at least how to live it. Peace. L

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dadum. . . . . . dadum. . . . dadum. . .dadum. . dadum dadum dadum dadum. . . . DADUM!

Well, this weekend will be a watershed moment in my life. I am headed to the beach. Yes, this will be a weekend of 1st's for me. First time out of state, first time to the Gulf of Mexico, first car ride of more than 2 hours, first time to get in a pool and the ocean. 1st "sand box" play time. 1st time camping. Crazy huh. There are probably a whole lot of other 1stesess that I am forgetting about, but I will tell you all about them when I get back.
On a related note. Is it just me, or should Daddy not be making Jaws music when I am getting a bath? I'm just saying. Sounds a little creepy. And hello, I am not even a full bite. I don't think I would like to be like Jonah, or Pinochio's Dad. But I guess it is fitting since the beach excursion is this weekend. Anyhoo, see you when I get back. I'll try and find you some nice pretty shells. Aloha!


At 11:15 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Have FUN!! I figure you'll either totally love the sand or hate the fact that it sticks to every inch of your body and feels strange on the feet for the first time. Hopefully you'll love it!

Also, you get cuter every day!!

At 11:50 PM, Blogger ChickyBabe said...

Make sure you take your floaters with you, and don't cry when you get sand between your toes!

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

have fun. sand in the diaper is never fun though...from what i can remember...

At 7:50 AM, Blogger JillWrites said...

You'll get used to the Jaws music someday. It's a lot less scary than someone making you watch Nightmare on Elm Street and then take a bath. That's all I'm saying.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger lil'bitty said...

Amber, CB, Amanda, Nikki, and Jill Thanks for all the well wishes. I had a blast. Post to update to follow really soon. . . . I have to get the sand out of my diaper 1st. I'm sure you understand.


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