
Apparently, I have just been born. That would explain the whole trauma that I just went through. Since I'm stuck here for the foreseeable future, I will try to enlighten you on all my discoveries of this strange world as seek to learn the meaning of life or at least how to live it. Peace. L

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Love hate relationship with bath time

I have to say, I am a big fan of bath time (for the most part). I love the feeling of being suspended in the nice warm water and the super soft cloth with soapy goodness gently washing away the days stresses and spit up residue. I do sooo love the warm from the dryer towels that Mommy and Daddy us to dry me off with. Then I get to wear a nice clean sleeper (footy pajamas) also warm from the dryer and then get to nurse before going to bed for the night. Which I am sleeping through now (for almost 6 hours) for the most part.

I am not, however, a fan of getting my hair or face washed. I know it is unreasonable and I have to do it, but I don't like it. I just don't like anything covering my head or face. I don't like my hair dried either. Weirds me out something fierce. Touch and rub my little head all you want, I love it and it puts me right to sleep. Don't wash it and dry it though or I'll scream like a banshee.


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

heehee, she looks all slippery. :)
thanks for stopping by! i'll be back, too.


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